姓名:张晓云 Zhang Xiaoyun 性别:女
职称:讲师 Lecturer 办公室:bat365官网登录入口主楼 432a Main building 432a
E-mail:zh_xiaoyun@ shzu.edu.cn 学历学位:博士 Doctor degree
研究方向:果树遗传育种与分子生物学 Genetic breeding and molecular biology of fruit trees
工作简历:张晓云(Dr. Zhang Xiaoyun):女,籍贯甘肃,博士,讲师,bat365官网登录入口园艺系工作。于2011年和2013年在西北农林科技大学获得学士及硕士学位,于2023年6月在bat365获得博士学位,毕业后留校任教。
研究成果:以第一作者或通讯作者在《Scientia Horticulturae》、《Physiologia Plantarum》、《Frontiers in Plant Science》和《园艺学报》等期刊发表论文9篇,被SCI收录论文6篇。参编专著1部,获实用新型专利1项。
1. Zhang Xiaoyun, Yang Weiwei, Tahir Muhammad Mobeen, et al. Contributions of leaf distribution and leaf functions to photosynthesis and water-use efficiency from leaf to canopy in apple: A comparison of interstocks and cultivars[J]. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2023, 14: 1152. (IF 6.627)
2. Zhang Xiaoyun, Li Shaohuan, Tang Ting, et al. Comparison of morphological, physiological, and related-gene expression responses to saline-alkali stress in eight apple rootstock genotypes[J]. Scientia Horticulturae, 2022, 306: 111455. (IF: 4.342)
3. Zhang Xiaoyun, Tahir Muhammad Mobeen, Li Shaohuan, et al. Transcriptome analysis reveals the inhibitory nature of high nitrate during adventitious roots formation in the apple rootstock[J]. Physiologia Plantarum, 2021, 173(3): 867-882. (IF:5.081)
4. Zhang Xiaoyun, Tahir Muhammad Mobeen, Li Shaohuan, et al. Effect of exogenous abscisic acid (ABA) on the morphology, phytohormones, and related gene expression of developing lateral roots in ‘Qingzhen 1’apple plants[J]. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture (PCTOC), 2022, 148(1): 23-34. (IF: 2.932)
5. Tahir Muhammad Mobeen, Mao Jiangping, Li Shaohuan, Li Ke, Liu Yandong, Shao Yun, Zhang Dong* and Zhang Xiaoyun*. Insights into factors controlling adventitious root formation in apples[J]. Horticulturae, 2022, 8(4): 276. (共同通讯作者,IF: 2.726)
6. Zhang Xiaoyun, Wang Kai, Li Xiuling, Yang Wweiwei. Effect of floral differentiation on shoot morphology and consequences on canopy light interception based on 3D virtual plants. Acta Horticulturae, 2022. (Conference paper).
7. Tahir Muhammad Mobeen, Zhang Xiaoyun, Li Shaohuan, Li Ki, Mao Jiangping, Shao Yun, and Zhang Dong. (2021). Nitrate application affects root morphology by altering hormonal status and gene expression patterns in B9 apple rootstock nursery plants. Fruit Research 1: 1–11.
8. Tahir Muhammad Mobeen, Tong Lu, Fan Li, Liu Zhimin, Li Shaohuan, Zhang Xiaoyun, Li Ke, Shao Yun, Zhang Dong, and Mao Jiangping. (2022). Insights into the complicated networks contribute to adventitious rooting in transgenic 10、MdWOX11 apple microshoots under nitrate treatments. Plant Cell & Environment 45: 3134 -3156. (IF: 7.228)
9. Li Shaohuan, Tahir Muhammad Mobeen, Xie Ling, Zhang Xiaoyun, Mao Jiangping, Anam Ayyoub, Xing Libo, Zhang Dong, and Shao Yun. (2022). Transcriptome Analysis Reveals Multiple Genes and Complex Hormonal-Mediated Interactions with PEG during Adventitious Root Formation in Apple. IJMS 23: 976. (IF: 6.208)
10. Tahir Muhammad Mobeen, Li Shaohuan, Mao Jiangping, Liu Yu, Li Ke, Zhang Xiaoyun, Lu Xian, Zhao Caiping, and Zhang Dong. (2021). High nitrate inhibited adventitious roots formation in apple rootstock by altering hormonal contents and miRNAs expression profiles. Scientia Horticulturae 286:110230. (IF: 4.342)
11. 张晓云,唐玉薇,王凯,张东*,杨伟伟*苹果冠层枝梢类型对光能截获效率和光合生产力影响的模拟分析[J]. 园艺学报, 2022, 49(4): 709-722.
12. 张晓云,杨伟伟,费青青,王生海,容新民. 北疆地区设施主栽桃品种需冷量和需热量研究.黑龙江农业科学,2019(7):24-29.
13. 张晓云,王生海,王富霞,容新民. 北疆地区不同类型大棚温湿环境特征研究.新疆农垦科技,2018(10)13-15.
14. 王凯,李秀玲,张晓云,袁引燕,鲁晓燕,姜继元,张东,杨伟伟. 2022.负载量对南疆矮化自根砧苹果树体生长、光合能力及果实发育和品质的影响[J].果树学报.(网络首发)。
1.容新民,张晓云,王富霞.新疆设施葡萄栽培技术,乌鲁木齐:新疆人民出版总社新疆人民卫生出版社,2020, ISBN978-7-5372-6876-9.
2. 容新民,张晓云,刘小龙.一种果树种植的双棚双膜结构,ZL 2018 2 1454683.8.