姓名: Name | 程志博 Cheng Zhibo | 性别: Gender | 男 |
职称: Title | 副教授 Associate Professor | 办公室: Office | 农科楼210B Agricultural Science Building 210B |
邮箱: | czb2004@126.com | 电话: Tel No. | 壹捌叁玖玖捌贰零叁壹叁 |
学历学位: Degrees | 博士 Doctor degree | 硕/博导师: Supervisor | 硕士生导师 Master Supervisor |
研究方向: Research | 农田养分循环与调控机制、植物-土壤相互作用 Nutrient cycling and regulation mechanisms in farmland, Plant-soil interactions |
2009.09–2013.06 天水师范学院,理学学士
2013.09–2019.06 bat365官网登录入口,农学博士
2017.02–2019.02 澳大利亚联邦科工水土所CSIRO Land & Water(博士联培)
2019年9月至今,在bat365官网登录入口农学系从事教学科研工作。主要围绕干旱区盐碱地生态恢复重建和农田养分循环等方面开展研究工作。近年来主持国家自然科学基金、高层次人才项目和青年创新人才项目等6项,相关研究成果在Science of the Total Environment、Soil & Tillage Research、Pedosphere、Applied Soil Ecology和Plant and Soil等领域高水平期刊发表研究论文20余篇,参编专著2部。担任Microbial Ecology、Applied Soil Ecology、The Crop Journal和Scientific Reports等期刊审稿人。
国家自然科学青年基金 (32001488)--绿洲棉田间作体系土壤磷素生物有效性及其根际微生态机制,2021.01–2024.12,主持.
高层次人才科研启动项目 (RCZK201949) --水肥耦合对新疆沙区油莎豆根际土壤微生物及产量的影响,2020–2023,主持.
三师图木舒克市重大科技计划项目(S202102GG036) --新疆沙区油莎豆高效种植研究及示范应用,2021-2022,主持.
Australian National Low Emissions Coal Research and Development Project,2017–2018,项目骨干.
First & Corresponding Author Publications
1. Wang, W., Yin, F., Gu, J., Wang, Z., Zhang, F., Li, L. Cheng, Z*. (2023). Effects of maize/soybean intercropping on rhizosphere soil phosphorus availability and functional genes involved in phosphorus cycling in Northwest China. Plant and Soil. (Accepted). doi: 10.1007/s11104-023-06363-2.
2. Wang, W., Chen, Y., Zhang, F., Zhang, W., Liu, J., Wang, J., Yin, F. Cheng, Z*. (2023). Cotton-maize intercropping increases rhizosphere soil phosphorus bioavailability by regulating key phosphorus cycling genes in northwest China. Applied Soil Ecology. 182, 104734.
3. Cheng, Z., Chen, Y., Zhang, F. (2021). Impact of abandoned salinized farmland reclamation on the distribution of inorganic phosphorus in soil aggregates in northwest China. Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition. 22(1), 706-718.
4. Cheng, Z., Wang, J., William, J., Yang, H., Zhang, F. (2020). Soil aggregation and aggregate-associated organic carbon under typical natural halophyte communities in arid saline areas of Northwest China. Pedosphere. 30(2), 236-243.
5. Cheng, Z., Chen, Y., Zhang, F. (2019). Effect of cropping systems after abandoned salinized farmland reclamation on soil bacterial communities in arid northwest China. Soil & Tillage Research, 187, 204-213.
6. Cheng, Z., Chen, Y., William, J.G., Zhang, F. (2019). Inorganic phosphorus distribution in soil aggregates under different cropping patterns in northwest China. Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 19(1), 157–165.
7. Cheng, Z., Chen, Y., Zhang, F. (2018). Effect of reclamation of abandoned salinized farmland on soil bacterial communities in arid northwest China. Science of the Total Environment, 630, 799-808.
8. Cheng, Z., Zhang, F, Gale, W. J., Wang, W., Sang, W., Yang, H. (2017). Effects of reclamation years on composition and diversity of soil bacterial communities in Northwest China. Canadian Journal of Microbiology, 64(1), 28-40.
9. 徐接亮, 张凤华, 李变变, 王家平, 程志博*. 施肥对油莎豆根际微生物群落特性的影响. 干旱区研究, 2021, 38(6), 1741-1749.
Co-authored Publications
1. Wang, J., Li, H., Cheng, Z., Yin, F., Yang, L., Wang, Z. (2023). Changes in soil bacterial and fungal community characteristics in response to long-term mulched drip irrigation in oasis agroecosystems. Agricultural Water Management, 279, 108178.
2. Luo, Y., Zhang, F., Cheng, Z., Yang, L., Yang, X. (2022). Effect of reclamation of abandoned salinized farmland on nematode community in arid northwest China. Pedobiologia, 90, 150790.
3. Yin, F., Cheng, Z., Zhang, F. (2021). Effect of maize straw additives on the nutritional quality and bacterial communities of ensiled forage rape for animal feed. Chilean Journal of Agricultural Research, 81(4), 585-596.
4. Chen, Y., Guerschman, J., Cheng, Z., Guo, L. (2019). Remote sensing for vegetation monitoring in carbon capture storage regions: a review. Applied Energy. 240, 312-326.
5. Chen, Y., Xu, T., Shui, J., Liu, R., Wahid, S.H., Shi, K., Yang, H., Cheng, Z. (2018). Characterising spatiotemporal variability of south Asia’s climate extremes in past decades. Climate Research. 77, 249-265.
6. Yang, L., Tan, L., Zhang, F., Gale, W.J., Cheng, Z., Sang, W. (2017). Duration of continuous cropping with straw return affects the composition and structure of soil bacterial communities in cotton fields. Canadian Journal of Microbiology, 64(3), 167-181.
7. Zhang, F., Yang, H., Gale, W.J., Cheng, Z., Yan, J. (2017). Temporal changes in soil organic carbon and aggregate-associated organic carbon after reclamation of abandoned, salinized farmland. The Journal of Agricultural Science, 155(2), 205-215.
8. Tian, X., Zhang, F., Li, J., Fan, H., Cheng, Z., Wang, K. (2016). Effects of Bio-organic Fertilizer on Soil Microbiome against Verticillium dahlia. International Journal of Agriculture & Biology, 18(5).
9. Yang, H., Zhang, F., Chen, Y., Xu, T., Cheng, Z., Liang, J. (2016). Assessment of Reclamation Treatments of Abandoned Farmland in an Arid Region of China. Sustainability, 8(11), 1183.
10.王巍琦, 杨磊, 程志博, 张凤华. 干旱区不同类型盐碱地土壤微生物碳源代谢活性研究. 干旱区资源与环境, 2019, 06: 158-166.
11.程志博, 张凤华. 不同恢复模式对盐碱化弃耕地土壤无机磷组分及其有效性的影响[A]. 第十四届中国生态学大会论文摘要集[C]. 2015.
国家留学基金委员会公派留学奖学金, 2016.05
Non-cash Reward for the Vegetation Condition Monitoring project funded by ANLEC, 2018.09
bat365优秀博士学位论文, 2019.06
bat365优秀毕业研究生, 2019.06
新疆盐碱地分类治理关键技术创新与应用. 兵团科技进步一等奖, 14/15, 2020
Australia National Soils Conference,2018.11.18–23,澳大利亚·堪培拉
1. 在研人员8人 (硕士生4人,本科生4人)
2022级 顾嘉诚,研究生 统招生(扬州大学)
2022级 王 振,研究生 统招生(长江大学)
2023级 李忠聪,研究生 统招生(山东农业大学)
2023级 李 颖,研究生 统招生(中南林业科技大学)
2020级 李佳浩,本科生 统招生(农学专业)
2020级 王 葳,本科生 统招生(农学专业)
2021级 马 斌,本科生 统招生(种业科学专业)
2021级 赵致远,本科生 统招生(种业科学专业)
2. 本科毕业人员(2人)
2019级 陈刚,2023年6月本科毕业(贵州大学攻读硕士研究生)
2019级 肖强,2023年6月本科毕业(武汉科诺生物科技股份有限公司工作)