










        电子邮件:2006wjp@163.com ,办公电话:18139283945



  1. 2005-2009 ,bat365官网登录入口 农学学士

  2. 2009-2015,中国科学院新疆生态与地理研究所 生态学(硕博连读)理学博士

  3. 2013-2014,美国新墨西哥州立大学 土壤生态学(联合培养)

  4. 2015-今,bat365官网登录入口农学系耕作教研任教


  1. 2017-2021年,国家地区科学基金项目(41763013),天山南坡开都河水中钙的来源解析研究,37万元,主持;

  2. 2016-2020年,国家重点研发计划(2016YFC0501406),玛纳斯节水农田治理模式及棉花林果产业示范,280万元,项目骨干;

  3. 2016-2018年,bat365高层次人才科研启动资金专项(RCZX201554),石河子垦区农田土壤无机碳对土壤微形态分布特征影响研究,5万元,主持;

  4. 2015-2017国家青年科学基金项目(41403072),干旱区焉耆盆地农田土壤溶解性无机碳季节变化特征及其来源研究,25万元,主持。


  1. Wang, JMonger Curtis*Wang XiujunCarbon Sequestration in Response to Grassland–Shrubland–Turfgrass Conversions and a Test for Carbonate Biomineralization in Desert Soils, New Mexico, USASoil Science Society of America Journal2016.12.15806):1591~1603

  2. Wang, J., Wang, X. *, Zhang, J., 2014. Soil organic and inorganic carbon and stable carbon isotopes in Yanqi Basin of northwestern China. European Journal of Soil Sciences, 66(1): 95-103.

  3. Wang, J., Wang, X.,* Zhang, J., 2013. Evaluating loss-on-ignition methods for determinations of soil organic and inorganic carbon in arid soils of northwestern China. Pedosphere, 23(5): 593-599.

  4. Monger. H.C.*, Kraimer, R. A., Khresat, S., Cole, D.R., Wang, X., Wang J., 2015 Sequestration of inorganic carbon in soil and groundwater. Geology(doi:10.1130/G36449.1).

  5. Wang, X.*, Wang, J., Zhang, J., 2012. Comparisons of three methods for organic and inorganic carbon in calcareous soils of northwestern China. PLoS One, 7(8): e44334.

  6. Wang, X.J.*, Xu, M.G., Wang, J., Zhang, W.J., Yang, X.Y., Huang, S.M., Liu, H., 2014. Fertilization enhancing carbon sequestration as carbonate in arid cropland: assessments of long-term experiments in northern China. Plant Soil, 380, 89-100.

  7. Zhang, F., Wang, X., Guo, T., Zhang, P., Wang, J., 2015. Soil organic and inorganic carbon in the loess profiles of Lanzhou area: implications of deep soils. CATENA 126(0), 68-74.

  8. Zhang J., Wang, X.J.*, Wang, J., 2014. Impact of land use change on profile distributions of soil organic carbon fractions in the Yanqi Basin. CATENA, 115(0), 79-84.


  1. Diurnal and seasonal patterns of CO2efflux in a maize field in Yanqi basin: response to gypsum and straw addition,2013 AGU Fall meeting, Dec. 8-14, 2013, Sanfransico, USA (Poster).

  2. Soil carbon and stable carbon isotopes in Yanqi basin of northwestern China: land use effect. The 3rd international Conference on C sequestration and Climate Change, Jul. 21-25, 2012, Beijing, China. (Presentation)

  3. Soil organic and inorganic carbon stocks in Yanqi basin of northwestern China: -A study of land use impact. Climate Change, Beijing: International Conference on Climate Change Science, Oct. 18-20, 2011, Beijing,China. (Poster)

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